Mu dheidhinn Jingzuan

Jingzuan chemical technology is specialized in the production of HPMC, HEC, HEMC and RDP  for more than 15 years. We are located in Shijiazhuang city, north China, about 300 km to Beijing, also about 300 km to Tianjin sea port.   We were established by 2008, with annual capacity of 30,000 tons. Through development of a decade, supported and welcomed by our customers all over the world. We then invested 23 million dollars on the new production line with Germany technology in 2021. With production annual capacity of 60,000 tons for HPMC, 15,000 tons for HEC, 15,000 tons for HEMC and 20,000 tons for RDP. We have strict quality control system, and acquired the ISO 9001 certificate, CE certificate and accept all types of test by third party. We have a professional team, composed of production and application engineers. And equipped by whole set of advanced laboratory equipment and devices. Which ensures stable and best quality products to be supplied.   Our goal is sparing no efforts to make all our users and customers competitive in the market, and together with all our friends, make our the best contribution to the construction field.   Jingzuan will always keep the quality and the concerns of our buyers in mind, will only and always make the best quality product that is suitable to certain applications for the buyers. We are not only supplying the products, but also supplying our services, and experienced chemical solutions to each of our buyers. More...



Eachdraidh stèidheachaidh



Comas bliadhnail



Calpa clàraichte



Dùthaich às-mhalairt

Ar Buannachdan

Bhon nuair a chaidh a’ chompanaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 2009, tha sinn air a bhith dealasach a thaobh ar buannachdan a thogail, agus a bhith farpaiseach fad na h-ùine. Chan eil fios againn ach gun urrainn seo ar cumail a’ gluasad air adhart agus leigeil leis an teachdaiche againn a bhith farpaiseach cuideachd

  • We have very strict standard for our raw material selecting, cottons for HPMC & HEC are the best from Xinjiang. RDP adopts the best quality type in China market.

    An stuth amh as fheàrr air a ghearradh

    Tha ìre gu math teann againn airson ar taghadh stuthan amh, is e cotan airson HPMC & HEC an fheadhainn as fheàrr bho Xinjiang. Bidh RDP a’ gabhail ris an t-seòrsa càileachd as fheàrr ann am margaidh Shìona.

  • We invested 23 million dollars into the new equipment. Annual capacity can reach 60000 tons, assures lead time and stable quality for big demands.

    Uidheam Gearmailteach, Teicneòlas Premium

    Chuir sinn 23 millean dolar an sàs anns an uidheamachd ùr. Faodaidh comas bliadhnail ruighinn 60000 tonna, a’ dèanamh cinnteach à ùine stiùiridh agus càileachd seasmhach airson iarrtasan mòra.

  • Comparing to small factories or other foreign trade only company, with same standard and quality product, we have at least 5 % price advantage.

    Prìs farpaiseach

    An coimeas ri factaraidhean beaga no companaidh malairt cèin eile a-mhàin, leis an aon ìre agus toradh càileachd, tha buannachd prìse 5% againn aig a’ char as lugha.

  • Our lab got all the advanced equipments and devices for the testing of quality of each batch. Ensures each batch of the product is stable in quality.

    Lab adhartach, gnàthachadh ri fhaighinn

    Fhuair an obair-lann againn a h-uile uidheamachd agus inneal adhartach airson deuchainn càileachd gach baidse. A’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach baidse den toradh seasmhach ann an càileachd.

  • We have overall experience of the market from many areas, thus can provide the best solution for the buyers.

    Còrr is 15 bliadhna de eòlas

    Tha eòlas iomlan againn air a’ mhargaidh bho iomadh raon, mar sin is urrainn dhuinn am fuasgladh as fheàrr a thoirt don luchd-ceannach.

We have very strict standard for our raw material selecting, cottons for HPMC & HEC are the best from Xinjiang. RDP adopts the best quality type in China market.

An stuth amh as fheàrr air a ghearradh

Tha ìre gu math teann againn airson ar taghadh stuthan amh, is e cotan airson HPMC & HEC an fheadhainn as fheàrr bho Xinjiang. Bidh RDP a’ gabhail ris an t-seòrsa càileachd as fheàrr ann am margaidh Shìona.

We invested 23 million dollars into the new equipment. Annual capacity can reach 60000 tons, assures lead time and stable quality for big demands.

Uidheam Gearmailteach, Teicneòlas Premium

Chuir sinn 23 millean dolar an sàs anns an uidheamachd ùr. Faodaidh comas bliadhnail ruighinn 60000 tonna, a’ dèanamh cinnteach à ùine stiùiridh agus càileachd seasmhach airson iarrtasan mòra.

Comparing to small factories or other foreign trade only company, with same standard and quality product, we have at least 5 % price advantage.

Prìs farpaiseach

An coimeas ri factaraidhean beaga no companaidh malairt cèin eile a-mhàin, leis an aon ìre agus toradh càileachd, tha buannachd prìse 5% againn aig a’ char as lugha.

Our lab got all the advanced equipments and devices for the testing of quality of each batch. Ensures each batch of the product is stable in quality.

Lab adhartach, gnàthachadh ri fhaighinn

Fhuair an obair-lann againn a h-uile uidheamachd agus inneal adhartach airson deuchainn càileachd gach baidse. A’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil gach baidse den toradh seasmhach ann an càileachd.

We have overall experience of the market from many areas, thus can provide the best solution for the buyers.

Còrr is 15 bliadhna de eòlas

Tha eòlas iomlan againn air a’ mhargaidh bho iomadh raon, mar sin is urrainn dhuinn am fuasgladh as fheàrr a thoirt don luchd-ceannach.

Read More About hpmc

Smachd Càileachd

Quality is the key point and the forever goal that we pursue. We always keep the quality as the priority. We ensure that each batch of goods that delivered to our customers, are the best quality we provide. And we are responsible for every bag of our products with our after-teams and technical departments’ support 24 hours standby.

We have strict control ristriction for the raw materials, such as refined cotton, liquid alkali, methane and propylene oxide.We have very strict quality control on the raw materials. We will make incoming inspection according to the ISO 9001 manage system, and ensure all the raw materials abide by the high standard. Thus to ensure a stable quality of our products.

Smachd air stuthan amh.

Tha smachd teann againn air na stuthan amh, leithid cotan ath-leasaichte, alkali liùlach, meatan agus propylene oxide. Tha smachd càileachd teann againn air na stuthan amh. Nì sinn sgrùdadh a tha a’ tighinn a-steach a rèir siostam riaghlaidh ISO 9001, agus nì sinn cinnteach gu bheil na stuthan amh uile a’ cumail ris an ìre àrd. Mar sin gus dèanamh cinnteach à càileachd seasmhach de ar bathar.

We have strict control ristriction for the raw materials, such as refined cotton, liquid alkali, methane and propylene oxide.We have very strict quality control on the raw materials. We will make incoming inspection according to the ISO 9001 manage system, and ensure all the raw materials abide by the high standard. Thus to ensure a stable quality of our products.

Smachd air stuthan amh.

Tha smachd teann againn air na stuthan amh, leithid cotan ath-leasaichte, alkali liùlach, meatan agus propylene oxide. Tha smachd càileachd teann againn air na stuthan amh. Nì sinn sgrùdadh a tha a’ tighinn a-steach a rèir siostam riaghlaidh ISO 9001, agus nì sinn cinnteach gu bheil na stuthan amh uile a’ cumail ris an ìre àrd. Mar sin gus dèanamh cinnteach à càileachd seasmhach de ar bathar.

Through 20 years production experience, our production team is becoming more and more professional and effective and cost saving. We can not only assure a better lead time, but also stable and high quality product with a very competitive price.

Sgioba proifeasanta

Tro 20 bliadhna de eòlas riochdachaidh, tha an sgioba riochdachaidh againn a 'fàs barrachd is barrachd proifeasanta agus èifeachdach agus a' sàbhaladh cosgais. Chan urrainn dhuinn a-mhàin dèanamh cinnteach à ùine luaidhe nas fheàrr, ach cuideachd toradh seasmhach agus àrd-inbhe le prìs gu math farpaiseach.

Quality is what we concern most for our products. To supply a very good qualified product, before the product goes to the hand of our customers', we will strictly test each batch and keep the samples for 1 year for each batch, in case there is any questions.Moreover, we may check the viscosity, ash ratio, water retention, solution transmittance rate etc by our advanced lab equipemnt.

Smachd toraidh crìochnaichte

Is e càileachd an rud as motha a tha draghail dhuinn airson ar bathar. Gus toradh teisteanasach fìor mhath a thoirt seachad, mus tèid an toradh gu làmh ar luchd-ceannach, nì sinn deuchainn teann air gach baidse agus cumaidh sinn na sampallan airson 1 bliadhna airson gach baidse, gun fhios nach bi ceist sam bith ann. A bharrachd air an sin, is dòcha gun dèan sinn sgrùdadh air slaodachd, co-mheas uinnseann, gleidheadh ​​​​uisge, ìre tar-chuir fuasglaidh msaa leis an uidheamachd deuchainn-lann adhartach againn.

We invested about 23 million in the year 2021 with the latest germany production technology and equipment. Just to ensure the chemical reaction is fully and stably conducted. Moreover, our equipment is more advanced and thus very flexible and easy to control and adjust. Thus, the customized orders with specific requirements is easy for us to undertake.

Innealan proifeasanta

Chuir sinn an seilbh timcheall air 23 millean anns a’ bhliadhna 2021 leis an teicneòlas is uidheamachd cinneasachaidh as ùire sa Ghearmailt. Dìreach gus dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an ath-bhualadh ceimigeach air a dhèanamh gu h-iomlan agus gu seasmhach. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an uidheamachd againn nas adhartaiche agus mar sin gu math sùbailte agus furasta a smachdachadh agus atharrachadh. Mar sin, tha e furasta dhuinn na h-òrdughan gnàthaichte le riatanasan sònraichte a ghabhail os làimh.


With full sets of certificates needed for trading, shipping and inspection.

Read More About hpmc manufacturers

Ar luchd-cleachdaidh

Tha a bhith mar an fheadhainn as fheàrr san raon againn a’ ciallachadh gu bheil sinn dealasach a thaobh a h-uile pròiseact, tha beachdan innleachdach againn a thig gu buil agus bidh sinn a’ dèanamh a h-uile càil.

Read More About mortar bonding agent

Contact Us

Ma tha ùidh agad anns na stuthan againn, faodaidh tu roghnachadh d’ fhiosrachadh fhàgail an seo, agus bidh sinn ann an conaltradh riut a dh’ aithghearr.

gdScottish Gaelic